References and Resources

NEH Part 642 – Specifications for Construction Contracts

Many of the projects designed by M&E Consultants, LLC and our partners rely on NRCS Construction and Material Specifications found in NRCS National Engineering Handbook Part 642, Specifications for Construction Contracts. This handbook (NEH 642) contains the construction specifications and attendant material specifications used by NRCS and AE firms who design and review designs for NRCS and their partners. Guidance for using these specifications is contained in NEH 642 Chapter 1 and in the instructions that precede each of the construction specifications in Chapter 2.


Webinar – Specifications for Construction Contracts

In 2014 the NRCS Science and Technology Division offered a webinar focused on using NEH 642 specifications.  The 1-Hour Webinar is available for on-demand viewing and a certificate of webinar completion is provided to document webinar attendance.  The webinar is not a PDH accredited webinar, but may suffice to document 1-hour of PDH credit in some states.   This webinar is highly recommended for specification writers who are developing specification packages using NEH 642 specifications.